Tuesday, November 3, 2009
New GuyStampin Site
Its been some time since I posted here. I just wanted to let you know that I will work to update this site over time, but will be focusing more on my new blog at
Please take time if you can to come over and visit this site as well and become a follower. You can even subscribe to site updates there.
Thanks again and I look forward to staying in touch with all.
My from scrapbook room to yours.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
CKC Nashville Was Awesome
Creating Keepsakes Convention Nashville officially ended today and I had a ball. This was my first scrapbooking convention in my days of being a paper crafter. I was so involved with this convention that I almost didn't get the chance to enjoy it.
I really wanted to volunteer for the convention but no one would hire me it seemed because I was a guy. So on Thursday the day of setup, I just showed up and said I want to be a volunteer for a vendor since this was a chance to get to meet everyone. Thanks to the folks of S.E.I because they hired me on the spot. I worked for a totally of 4 hours but wanted more. So just across the aisle was Scrapperz Outlet with an awesome owner named Josh who hired me to work their booth the next day. I walked around and met the ladies from Rusty Pickle, and gosh these ladies were the bomb, almost as good as the product the company puts out.
I spent Friday at Scrapperz outlet, demonstrating the Big Shot and all the awesome dies and embossing dies from Sizzix. I met so many wonderful ladies that came by the booth. Josh was great to work for but I was so tired after that I went home without even shopping.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Making Your Own Embossing Powder to Match ink
You need an embossing powder to match a particular color of ink? Place clear UTEE in mixing (disposable) container. Add several drops of alcohol inks. Mix with a craft stick until alcohol evaporates and mixture is smooth.
Okay, Tim Holtz demonstrated this but if I'm not mistaken, Suze Weinberg has done something similar when using her melting pot. She melted clear UTEE then put drops of ink into the liquid UTEE, swirled them together to marbleize then dipped small cardboard squares, face down, into the mix.
Suze used Colors To Dye For inks (a dye based, heat safe ink). The colors can be blended for custom colors, too. I've looked at both Suze's website and Ranger Industries and see nothing listed as Colors To Dye For...only dye based inks.
Here's the link to the show where she makes the marbleized things.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A New Blog For Me: Guy Stampin & Scrappin
Since I have now evolved from being just a scrapbooking guy, I now will have 2 different blogs for you all to follow. Guyscrappin will still be used for showcasing new scrapbooking projects, thrifty ideas, and my everyday life.
My new blog Guy Scrappin & Stampin will be used to showcase my new Stampin Up business. Please if you follow come visit both of my blogs. I really appreciate all your feedback that you may have.
Stefen Brock
Scrappin & Stampin Guy
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The New Stampin Up 2009-2010 Catalog
Wow, what a fantastic day of sharing the Stampin' Up! 2009-2010 Idea Book and Catalog release on-line plus rolling out exciting new promotions.
Here are a few announcements that you might want to look at:.
Download new 2009-2010 Stampin' Up! Idea Book and Catalog
Download Stampin' Supply List (supplies used in the new Catalog)
Download new Definitely Decorative Brochures
Stampin' Up! Deal of the Week (Scallop Edge Punch on Sale)Updated Dormant (not in the catalog) but Available List
Starting at $85 for the new Mini Starter Kit
Standard Starter Kit Summer Bonus. Free In Color InkPads and In Color Assorted Card Stock.
Today in celebration of the new catalog I am offering up to 30% off new catalog prices.
Please contact me via email or (615)260-7265. Sorry Nashville TN metro area only.Saturday, June 20, 2009
A return to the land of Scrapbooking & Stamping: Scrapbook reboot
Well it been sometime since I updated my blog and I thought now is better than ever. Its the dog days of summer when it is to hot to go out so what not to do but stay in scrapbook. I have not been as active this past spring in my scrapbooking and stamping that I should have been. Gosh so much has happened since my the winter and I hope to catch everyone up.
I am so glad to finally have a reboot. I got so overwhelmed that I kinda took time off since Feburary. I was so burned out but like most I was not going to be to call it quits. After all, I have a ton of stuff that I have collected. I just needed a little down time from being so overwhelmed with everything going on around me.
So what else has this guy been up to? Well I actually just got back from Europe. I spent 12 days in Barcelona,Spain, Malta, Rome, Florence, and Cannes France. I will have tons of scrapping & stamping to do.
Lastly, let's go on to tell you that I finally and am officially a Stampin Up Rep. I am probably one of the few of us guys out there to sell Stampin Up. So please if you can help me, send me orders from you and your friends. I will be bringing more details in future posts.
All I am so glad to be back and look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you. Lets make this summer one of the best of all
Your scrappin friend & Stampin Up rep loves ya!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Being a Guy in a Girls Scrapbooking World
Well fast forward, and I am home and I get a message from this lady named Nicole, who was intrigued by how a guy would be interested in scrapbooking. She told me to feel free to email her and that I was welcome to come over to her house and she would teach me the craft. Nicole became my best girlfriend and my scrappin mamma almost instantaneously. She is one to the best friend that any guy scrapbooker could have. She encouraged me to come to the first crop of the meetup group and I finally broke down and went. Everyone was super friendly. They accepted me no matter what and offered help.
Well almost two years have pasted now and these ladies have become some of my best friends. They are intrigued still yet as to the things that I talk about. I can go into the local Hobby Lobby and craft store and have a group around me talking in minutes about the do's and don't of both beginner and advanced scrapbooking and guess what!!! Paper Crafting and rubber stamping. They want to know how i got into this and where I hang.
I have since become one of the assistant organizers of the Nashville Scrappers and Stampers meetup and am constantly bringing new members to the crops. I host with Nicole's help a locally monthly crop at my church and we always have a waiting list of people that want to come. If i show a new product at these crops, ladies are really fast to listen and gosh I feel on cloud 9!!!
All this being said, I really am a paper crafter and scrapbooker now and this goes to show that MEN CAN BE IN THIS WORLD!!! Spread to the word to all and share this blog with others, that there in no shame in being a guy in a Girls Scrapbooking World.
FYI, I am now working on being a guy Stampin Up Rep. If you know anyone out there that is looking for an excited guy to promote their product, send them my way.